That Novel Coronavirus is a new virus that was just discovered in November. It mutated recently from a Bat, flu virus. The initial outbreak was in SE Asia and probably because of our huge amount of trade it reached United States first and then Canada. The death rate was 1 to 2 percent of infected people.

China has quarantined millions and any Americans coming back from China are facing a 14 day quarantine. It is possibly the worst flu type virus in many years, not counting the influenza virus. Approximately 50,000 people die in America every year from influenza viruses, which is a type a virus. The flu death rate is only .1 percent.

Flu viruses evolve in southeast Asia on an annual basis and spread across the planet before dying. Every year new strains evolve and /or mutate and cause up to half a million deaths, in as many as 5 million infected people. It is possibly from the rice paddies that dominate that region. The Coronavirus is new and humans have no immunity against it, but it does not appear to be as viral as influenza. The influenza epidemic of 1918 killed over 50 million people. In an attempt to slow down the flu virus, 60% of the American population gets the government's flu virus shot annually.

The flu is highly contagious and hospitalizes over 200,000 people every year. Viruses in general are dangerous for the elderly, very young, and the perpetually sick whose immune system is weak. The Coronavirus can take up to 15% of this group! Generally the flu season begins in October and runs through March. The World Health Organization has calculated that 3.4% of the people worldwide with coronavirus have died and untold numbers have been infected.

It has been found that the flu season is not caused by the cold but by human habits. During cold weather human stay inside and breathe old air that may be contaminated with the virus. Additionally the days are shorter and humans stay inside more and get less a vitamin D from sun, which is responsible in part for maintaining our immune system. It is also possible that the influenza virus may survive better in colder and dryer climates.

Here is an herbal cold/flu remedy I found in my research. It super-doses the immune system and stops viruses from penetrating the cell, and thus stops it from replicating. It has never been tested on the Coronvirus! Use at your own risk. Not much risk if you have the Coronavirus! Paul developed it and has used it for 10 years and his adult daughter also uses it.

Paul's Adult Herbal Cold/Flu Remedy

The consideration of treating the human body for an infected virus is no small matter. With proper treatment it can be minimized to 4-5 days instead of 2-3 weeks. The most important consideration is immediate treatment upon any initial cold or flu symptoms, before the virus replicates too much, which include the following:


These herbs can be found at a local Vitamin Cottage or online.

8 teaspoons Raspberry leaf
3 teaspoons Peppermint leaf
6 teaspoons chopped Licorice root
2 teaspoons Echinacea (get only alkaloids, active ingredient not water soluble)
1 teaspoon Slippery Elm bark powder (adjust for sore throat, add more or less for no sore throat)
2 teaspoons Eucalyptus leaf (adjust for sore throat, add more or less for no sore throat)
3 teaspoons Golden Seal leaf
5 teaspoons Elder berries (dried)

Do not mix with any drugs!
Do Not give herbal tea to children!

Printed with permission.

Nature and science
World health organization
ABC news
USA Today