Hot Tubs have been around for thousands of years, in a variety of shapes sizes and types. Originally hot tubs were simply hot spots in rivers that were heated up by volcanic vents, which are still used extensively today. Today's hot tubs are considerably more complicated and come in many sizes and shapes. Hot tubs are used for a variety of things ranging from medicinal purposes to flat out partying!

I have been using a hot tub now for 25 years and I call it my miracle cure! Granted, hot tubs do require a certain amount of maintenance, but they are more than worth it. Maintenance includes cleaning the filter regularly, replacing worn out parts, and cleaning them at least twice a year. Cleaning a hot tub requires draining the water, scrubbing the tub clean, and putting clean water in it. Occasionally you will need to buy a new filter. It is really not that much work considering the benefits!

The benefits of a hot tub are enormous! The obvious benefit is the muscle massage which allows you to massage aching muscles. That brings about the second benefit that many people seek and that is pain reduction. Additionally the hot water relaxes the muscles of your body and induces sleep, if you do your hot tub right before bed.

One of the most important benefits from using a hot tub regularly is that it gets your heart pumping at a pretty good rate. The medical profession has made it very clear that exercising the heart and getting it pounding good and hard is critical to a healthy heart and will reduce your chances of a heart attack considerably!

Two more benefits of using a hot tub are weight reduction and detoxification through sweating. Both of these benefits are well documented and very healthy for any person who needs them. Keep in mind that sweating dehydrates the body and you may need to replenish some water.

The cost of a hot tub varies considerably. New hot tubs can be had for the lowest price of approximately $500, which is an inflatable hot tub. The price ranges up to over $5000 depending on size and features. Used hot tubs can be found for free at face book and craig's list. But keep in mind that these free used hot tubs generally need repairs and it is only recommended for the handyman kind of person. There are also many used hot tubs to be had that are in working order and the price will vary from $100 and up.

Generally speaking the time spent in a hot tub should be limited to 15 to 20 minutes for best results. Longer stays will induce severe muscle relaxation and could cause pain later on as the muscles come back. The only time it is recommended for longer stays is for weight reduction and then it is recommended to use a lower temperature. If you are partying in your hot tub, lower the heat!

When buying a hot tub there is more to consider than just price and features. If you're considering economical factors, hot tubs come in 220 volts and in 110 volts. Another economical consideration is whether it has one or two pumps. The 220 volts systems usually only have a single pump and thus this high volt pump also is used to keep the hot tub at the proper operating temperature. The 220 volt systems cost about $50/ month in electricity. The 110 systems often have two pumps, one for the jets and one for the heat, and they are the most economical systems, costing only $20-30/ month..

Another consideration is the insulation of the hot tub. A fully solid foam hot tub will hold the heat extraordinarily well, whereas the sprayed foam coating insulation is minimal and does not really hold the heat very well and therefore uses more energy and costs more money to operate.

The type of hot tub that you buy should be the one that meets your needs. Many of the more expensive hot tubs have fancy jets built in the each seat. But if your needs are more severe they will probably not work for you and you should get a more open type of hot tub with just main jets and a bench seat, that you can position your body on the spot that needs it on the jet.

Keep in mind that the best benefit's come from regular use. Sporadic use will not yield very many real lasting benefits.