Well folks, here it is July. We are unfortunately still saddled with this virus that China gave us. People are getting restless. The quarantine is wearing on us! It appears that this virus will not die out like the flu virus does! This is not what we all had in mind for this year.

The current estimates are resounding! More than 70% of small businesses will fail and die as a result of this virus. After all, how can a business keep going when they have to pay the lease, employee payroll, and other business expenses, with almost no income! That means all of their employees will be standing in line looking for work, if there is any. Small businesses employ a lot of people and this will definitely hurt the economy. Only the big corporations can take such a hit and survive.

Additionally the death rate is considerably higher than the flu virus, and that was with a quarantine! It will be at least January before any kind of vaccination is available, if even then. In fact it appears there is no end in sight anytime soon. They have partially re-opened and already it has started an increase of the virus cases! It never slowed down enough to lift quarantine! New infected case count continues to rise and is now well over 200k per day, world wide!

I have to tell you people, this is not a pretty picture! America has the highest infection rate and this is really bad, as well as embarrassing! It says that our governments have NOT done enough to stop this virus. Re-opening the bars for the extroverts has caused a surge of infected people nationwide and shows the ignorance of our leaders. We have reached the infamous exponential curve point where it goes up exponentially! It is now out of control and we may never get it under control!

Some corporations have actually hurt our economy by raising their internet access rates during this crisis! They are taking advantage of the situation because internet is required. If they were doing anything FOR America, they would have reduced the rates during this COVID-15 virus pandemic. Everyone knows who they are! Greedy scumbags completely!

Also I might add that the self employed service people have continued to provide service for the most part, and they should be commended. While the truth is that they have no choice as they must pay their bills and there is no unemployment for them, it is with great risk.

The biggest disappointment is the treatment that the medical profession has put forth to the people infected with the Coronavirus. Antibiotics and pain pills are not what I would call a reasonable treatment. Unfortunately they are too locked in to their own concepts of 'drug' treatment, even though this is a new virus! If they were more open minded they might have saved a lot more lives!

The downside is that many people who contracted the COVID-15 virus are immune, but carriers, spreading it around everywhere they go! They need to be found and quarantined. One might say that Darwin's theory still applies to humans after all!

One of the worst developments reported is the fact that the COVID-15 virus attacks the vascular system and the heart as well as the respiratory system! This may actually be the antibiotics, which can cause heart issues, especially with extended use! It is possible that even if you survive this virus, it could leave your heart in a weak and less healthy condition. And some people have even lost limbs! This virus is dangerous to everyone!

There's also another possible side effect of this quarantine, and that is an increase in population that would not normally occur. It will offset some of the population declination, if they survive. In Alaska where people are quarantined for six months out of the year by winter, married couples have a lot more sex, studies have shown. Boredom rules!

I wonder if the Chinese government, who does not properly provide for the needs of their citizens, realizes they are responsible for destroying the world economy. Keep in mind that a socialist-communist government is responsible to take care of the food requirements of their citizens! If they were not so irresponsible, we would not have this disease that was caused by a Chinese citizen eating a sick bat, that had the flu. And then to top it all off, they tried to hide their crime!

I believe it is time for the World Court to rear its ugly head and put China on trial. They are directly responsible for all of the deaths on the planet related to this virus. The financial losses world-wide cannot be calculated, it is so immense! We may never be able to return to our normal life! We are being forced to live like it was in the dark ages! China owes us all! I say we should stop paying on our debt to China, we can't afford it and they now owe us!

There is also another new issue that has surfaced recently. Russian hackers hacked into a COVID-15 database to get virus information. What this means is that all the research is private and that research information is Not being Shared with the world! This is unacceptable! This is Not a profit venture! This is the future of the human race and scumbags withholding information should be brought up on 'inhuman' charges by the world court. This also means that the cure will cost a large amount since it is profit driven instead of human compassion driven. It means that half the world will not get the cure! This is an outrage!

I'm afraid there is even worse news. Another mutated COVID-15 has already started up in China! The current research will only work on the original virus and will not be able to stop this new one! It will require another cure which means another year and then another virus, and so on. We are not going to get rid of this Corona virus anytime soon, especially with people continuing to socialize and spread it!

My advice is to continue the quarantine whether the irresponsible and irrational government says to or not, personally, for your own health sake. Socializing propagates the virus. Stay away from those bars and restaurants if you value your life and those around you. The mask may not seem like much but it's better than nothing! And stay away from crowds ...

And if you have a fever, STAY HOME, instead of infecting and killing people! 99% of infected people have a fever, while the 1% is immune.