On July 1, 2020, the inhuman judicial system of many states of the United States of America began evicting people who have lost their jobs due to the Covid virus. This is one of the most inhumane acts that have ever been conceived in America under these conditions. I am ashamed to call myself an American!

These poor people have absolutely no options and no choices at all! This eviction process is completely wrong! Additionally it is completely illogical! In other words pure stupidity of the bureaucrats and the governments of America!

Some states have shown they are humane and have stopped the eviction process. The Federal government is not doing what they should be going as usual! They were real quick to bail out all the banks with billions of tax dollars, but now that it's time to bail out the poor people, they are refusing to do what they should do!

These people have done nothing wrong! The majority of them are hardworking American citizens and it is not their fault that they lost their jobs! Many of them have more than one adult working fulltime to pay their bills and both have lost their jobs! And most of these people have children! There are no jobs to be had! They need help! Without it, this country will fall on its face.

There are alternatives! During this crisis the rent should be reduced to half what it was. And the bailout should cover this rent until the crisis is over. Jobs should be created by the government for these people until this crisis is over and jobs become available again. Additionally, all of the schools are empty and could be set up as emergency shelters for these people so they are not out on the street. We will see if the government bureaucrats are human or not!

I say that we the people refuse to move and refuse rent these vacant units. Let's boycott these inhuman landlords! After all, would you want to rent from scum like this!