The peaceful protest at Washington, DC on June 1 was derailed by violent anti-American police forces who attacked these peaceful protesters without any cause or reason! Investigations have shown that president Trump ordered this attack on these protesters for the sole purpose of having a photo shoot! America is outraged!

President Trump has crossed the line and violated the basic principles of America! As a result he will not be elected in November! These are not the actions of a president of the United States of America under any condition. The U.S. Park police have committed unacceptable crimes and should be punished for their acts against American citizens! This is inexcusable! “We were just doing what we were told to do.” is not an acceptable reason for denying American citizens their Constitutional rights! Blindly following orders is not acceptable.

This is not communist Russia or China! The American government has no authority to take this action under any condition! We the people have the authority and the right to protest and demand change or justice, and not be interfered with by Nazi police!

This cannot be allowed to continue!

And then the scumbags refused to show up and testify! Nothing but NAZI scum! All Americans should attack this organization in every legal way they can. The U.S. Park police are not Americans!!! They represent the ANTI-Americans who have taken over our country! Here’s the proof people, that you no longer live in a democratic country!

President Trump has stooped too far this time!

Now Trump is crying because he has lost the election! His claims that the election is rigged are probably true, but in his case is will not matter! He has crossed the line and the American people will not elect him. After four years of chaos, we have had enough of Mr. Trump. But it was still better than the Whitewater criminal!

Unfortunately this means that we're stuck with Biden who is a total scumbag. In 35 years he has done nothing good for America. He is one of the senate dictators who refuses to step down. We're screwed people! The shadow government completely controls this man and there’s no telling what they will do!

In fact the Democratic Party should not even be a legal party with the actions that they have taken. Their constant harassment of the president for four years with absolutely no evidence or proof is unacceptable. And now they're making up stories about how the president will not step down. What a pathetic organization! They have not produced an acceptable presidential candidate in decades.

Biden is not a leader; he's a follower, and we do not want a follower to lead our country. Not a single Senator in the Senate is acceptable. They have all betrayed us.

Unfortunately none of the other candidates are known publicly for any special reason. One is a psychologist, one is a journalist and painter, one is a teacher, and a few of them are businessmen.

We can expect a return of the quarantine for the covid virus and the economy will most certainly fall flat on its face. Be prepared to tighten your belt folks, it's going to get hard.