As the world talks about global warming and the changing climate, there’s more going on than most people realize. There are a lot of questions that are not being answered. This article will put forth a theory of what is really going on.

The newest event is one I have been waiting to see and have been expecting. This event is the melting of Antarctica at an extreme level, which if it continues will completely melt all of the snow and ice. This amount of melted ice will raise the ocean levels substantially and flood almost all coastal cities.

Another amazing event that has been occurring very often lately is multiple planetary alignments. In fact the gravitational forces have changed in our solar system due to planetary positions and planet earth has shifted its angle by 2 degrees. This has shifted the North Pole away from the Sun, exposing Antartica to more Sun.

The weather patterns have changed as a result of global warming and the planetary shift, which is now cooling the arctic. The combination of warming in the south and cooling down in the north have caused hot and cold air to come together in strange places which is resulting in massive tornadoes.

Additionally the magnetic North Pole has been moving since 1996 and gaining momentum. While NASA has quit supplying us with this information; based on previous movement at a rate of 40+ km per year, it has moved over 1000 km North to Northwest. This has caused some changes in the upper atmosphere that are being blamed on global warming, but are actually a result of changes in our EM field around the planet..

It also appears that the ocean currents are changing! In some places the ocean is warming substantially and in other places it is cooling down. The ocean water currents behave similarly to the atmospheric jet stream in that they create the massive ocean currents. These ocean currents are responsible for a lot of our weather and are responsible for some of the climate changes, as they change.

Another dramatic event that is going on currently has received no publicity at all, so I guess I’m the only one that sees the change in the equatorial belt. I believe is shifting to the south. It also appears to not have the massive rains as much.

Of course everyone knows about the destruction of the rain forests of Brazil which has been reported on extensively, for the sake of their four billion dollar cattle industry. This destruction of the forest combined with the shifting of the equatorial belt could result in major oxygen loss in our atmosphere. Additionally the change in the ocean currents could cause the destruction of large amounts of plankton, which also produces a large portion of our oxygen.

One major weather pattern change, is in the North Pacific ocean, where most of the winter weather is moving west across Canada, dropping down to the Great Lakes. Previously this weather pattern moved from the northwest and down into the United States before turning west after the Rocky Mountains. The southern atmospheric current which brings moisture up from the south as well as warm air has been pushing huge amounts of moisture towards the Great Lakes. Just last November Minnesota reported -33°! It was a record far below the previous record.

According to astrophysicists the ice age is a result of gravitational forces in our solar system that shift our planet ever so slightly. I believe we have entered a Glaciation Period, commonly known as the ice age! All of the changes going on can be explained by this event. I’ve even seen weather patterns that exactly duplicate the ice field in North America of previous ice ages. It will take hundreds of years before it is actually realized but I believe it is happening.

If one takes into account all of these events and considers the effects of global warming, one might consider that global warming may slow the ice age. But I do not believe it will stop it from forming the ice field. In fact the glaciation of North America will reduce the ocean water level and may even keep it balanced where it is.

And there’s always the bright side, we have a continent in the southern hemisphere that is vacant and warming up! We will need the space with the rising ocean and the cold pushing down from the north, as many people will be displaced. I expect we will find traces of ancient civilization after it melts!